Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Blackle-black google to save energy

White is Costlier, when it comes to color and electricity also than Black.switching off the monitors when not in use could save lot of energy,and here you can save energy just by shifting from White Google to black Google...blackle..According to EcoIron, “An all white web page uses about 74 watts to display, while an all black page uses only 59 watts.” As Google has more than 200 million queries a day, and if Google has a black background, it would save 750 Megawatt-hours a year!

Blackle took this point into consideration and they have created an all black homepage for searching in Google. Have a look at this and try it out. Black Google seems to be little odd as we are using White Google.


Joseph said...

See blacklys.com - The Black Google that i have ever seen

They have a firefox Search Extension too.. Interesting..

More over, You can rename the main display to anything you like. Cool huh?

admin said...

There is also the Carbon Neutral Search Engine, they offset each search by 100g of CO2 ... (or black background for CRT monitors)