Life at GITAM has been far from satisfying. far from enjoyable. far from anything I experienced at school. I could list out a zillion reasons to hate this hellhole but 101 reasons can't be too few, can they?!
1. internet that's slower than a sick snail
2. power cuts - power only goes off when you're studying or LAN gaming
3. food - that even dogs would think twice about eating
4. winters without hot water - are we in college or survival camp?
5. watchmen - who think they're GOD as long as they've got a big gate to save them from our wrath ! x(
6. lecturers - who can't speak english and can't teach a subject and can't handle 60 students
7. subjects like environmental studies
8. field work - for environmental studies ?! oh well, atleast we got a look at the white tiger
9. computer labs with out AC
10. microprocessors without AC
11. networks lab that teaches outdated things
12. people with a misplaced sense of self-respect and self-admiration
13. caste - who cares! !@#$%^&*(
14. zombie girls - in class ... they came, they sat, they left
15. cheats - uh....
16. weather - not really the college's fault, is it?
17. classrooms - yeah, great for 10 students, not bloody 65!
18. benches - that were carved by adam and eve
19. attendance - duh!
20. mids - all through the year and yet, so damn unimportant
21. principal - IIT my @$$ . madman escaped from a mental asylum
22. fines - as if the cash they're gettin ain't enuf!
23. dress code - wtf??? in college?!!!!!
24. on-campus doctor - INVISIBLE
25. bank - working times: during class hours
26. HOD...what does it mean to............*(%&^%%$@#$.
27. security uniforms - big mistake!!! they think they're the police
28. politics - dirrrrrrrrrrrtyyy politics
29. no football - what a waste of time studyin in this college
30. bonafide certificate - no issue cuz we're gonna misuse it !???? dumbf***s
31. transcripts - that are so 'genuine' universities reject them
32. letterheads - that are apparently mined at kolar... so precious
33. projector - one damn LCD projector for the whole effin' college???? Ridiculous
34. unity - we don't know what that means
35. studying like hell - books 24X7? not my style. seeing ppl like that makes me go crazy
36. boot cut pants - why be amitabh bachchan from 1971?
37. show-offs - well, you know
38. sports day - umm.... what's that?
39. cell phones - banned, of course. apart from that, they are an engg student's greatest weapon AND greatest bane.
40. parking - space for 400 bikes. 1500 bikes on campus ... can ikes climb trees?
41. gollapudi - crazy old bugger who's high on viagra pills
42. counseling - is it actually meant to be useful?
43. greenery - lesser by the day
44. printouts - ,!,, you! no prints here..get them done at home !
45. library - with no books, but a lot of fancy windows I'd like to break
46. no mascot - oh well, doesn't hurt
47. website - best ever !!! you can find phone numbers that are 4 years extinct
48. ragging - sadistic pleasures of engg students
49. murthy - our greatesshhht great college president who believes in utilising every space of land available to raise a new building
50. PD - most utterly useless classes, ever
51. we have juliet we need a romeo in our department man......guess guys
52. i love this number yaar...the one i hate is it being here...loool
53. ego - you're only paid attention if you're a good bootlicker
54. BUTHULU - *****, *********, ****, ********, ************** *********, ***###***
55. road to the college - I dare you to hit 50kmph
56. time limit at nite - 10pm limit at a boys' hostel? no wonder the hostels aren't in demand sux ... boring
58. no extra curriculars
59. no culturals
60. waste of an auditorium
61. v r filth, chapatis r gods ... only a few can actually understand that bit
62. no college email address - which is embarassing
63. coach ... sorry... PT who is 60 yers old
64. bathrooms suck - like in every other college
65. water - water coolers rite beside toilets????????? where's the water comin from?!!
66. overpriced canteens
67. administration - couldn't give you 2 bytes of info if you paid them a thousand bucks!
68. ground sux - looks like an overgrazed field
69. gpa - damn it!!!
70. shankardada mbbs! jai balakrishna!
71. overcrowded by a 1000
72. partiality ... teachers ok, but office boy, watchmen?!! 11 11 11
73. alcoholics
74. cliques
75. want some info? - go see him-go see her-wait for him-go to her - wat crap
76. regional bias
77. pizza haters
78. no AC hahahha
79. projects
80. hypertension
81. bewarse
82. such a gr8 experience that no one feels bad abt leaving clg
83. first aid - absent
84. accidents - everpresent
85. tamil movies - are they actually made for people to watch?
86. ppl think you drink and do drugs cuz you're from hyd
87. only a handful - 10 - from hyd
88. buildings suck - hardly any maintenance
89. warden - the most useless word in a GITAMite's dictionary
90. who the hell r they to tel me how to keep my hair
91. the fact that i cud actually write down 90 things i hate in 15 minutes
92. the ground... not a playground.. juz ground
93. should not think about other companies if u want to atttend TCS, WIPRO, INFY
94. forgot the Lan administrator...
95. library issue timings....starts after classes and ends before them...
96. no parking near canteen
97. drugs - sad sad sad
98. finally for one thing..MAM'S gossip about students and try to find out relation between boys and girls...wat the ....they r frnds man..come on it is happening..
99. brother and sister relations ...screw them man..u came here to find them
100. 99
101. 100
it isn't really much of an achievement to copy someone's work, dude!!!
shame on you. try to be original
i saw this article in some other blog long long b4 you posted it
Dear Dickinson College Faculty, Staff, Other Employees,
( And Prospective College Students Everywhere, Various Secondary Schools, Journalists and Citizens of All Countries)
The greatest lie ever told to me was when Angela Barone (Franandez), an admissions officer at Dickinson College said to me something to the effect of Dickinson is the perfect place for you. Dickinson was so intrigued by my background in military Special Operations and Military Intelligence and Gulf War I, that it gave no thought to my future. Yet, my personal statement, my every motivation and my every word spoken during both my admissions interview and my every moment at Dickinson was persistently about what I wanted for me in my own future. I contributed to class discussions as agreed to by accepting admission and completed all academic assignments. Yet, I received no job skills and no job in return. This was despite having been told that Dickinson College was the perfect place for me to get what I wanted out of life. What Dickinson College did give me was not what I asked for. I never made any claim that I wanted to learn how to be creative or learn how write essay papers, which no one will pay you to do unless you become a professor. Yet, I never said that I wanted to become a professor.
When I approached Dickinson College, I did so on the referral of an Insurance Salesman who knew Angela Barone's father and who I met while taking a continuing education class in using Lotus at Penn State Hazleton. I had just gotten out of the Army and mentioned to the individual that I had applied to Lafayette College, which did later offered me admission. I had never before heard of Dickinson College and it was not included in the list of schools that my former military commanders and superior officers and an aunt who was a college professor recommended I apply to. I decided to at least check Dickinson out. When I approached Dickinson, I said this is what I want and Dickinson replied by claiming not only that it could provide it but that it was the perfect place for me to get what I wanted. Yet, upon completing my degree at Dickinson, getting Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa, Dickinson College failed to follow though and deliver the job that I said I wanted to get and that it claimed it was the perfect place to provide. What is more, Dickinson College was never capable of delivering the job I wanted and persistently failed to recognize that in itself and persistently failed to openly acknowledge its limitations as an institution. Dickinson College was marketing what it wanted to be, rather than what it actually was. It turned out to be no different than any department store or franchise making grand claims about its product or service but after you buy it, it fails to live up to the expectations you forthrightly and openly placed on it at the moment of purchase.
When I applied to Dickinson College I expressed clearly in my personal statement and admissions interview what job I wanted and Dickinson accepted me by telling me, falsely, that it was the perfect college for me. If Dickinson was not capable of getting me that job and knew that it couldn't, it should not have taken my GI Bill, Veterans Grants, Pell Grants and student loan money from me. I could have used that money to get trained in something that I could have gotten a job in. You can't admit people because you want to believe that you as an institution are capable of getting someone something. You have to ask how realistic the stated objective is. You also cannot accept someone with the idea that they will learn to be flexible and settle for something else. That is not your call to make, especially with an overbearing sense of institutional authority..
When I was leaving Dickinson, Stuart started to suggest that I look at the Congressional Research Service or at American and George Washington Universities. Yet, I never expressed any interests in any of those things in my personal statement. Stuart failed to understand the purpose for which I was paying tuition and the of the college and his program in that pursuit. Attending a college is a consumer transaction and if you cannot get someone from where they are when they apply to where they want to be when they graduate, you should not take their money. If you do, you are tricking individuals into believing that you are selling them something other than what they agreed to purchase. In my case, you took the only money that I had. That was money that I could have used that to get a job producing degree. Your career services office once told me that I must rely on my connections to get ahead in life. In doing so, Dickinson College failed to realize that if I came from the family background that made it easy to just attend a liberal arts college and then get a job through family connections, I would never have had to serve in the military to get the GI Bill in the fist place. Further, if I had such connections, I would not have wasted time and money getting an education to attain they same paycheck that I could have had without the education. But my well being was not part of the considerations made by Dickinson when it decided to accept the cash from my GI Bill, Pell Grant, Veterans Grant and student loans.
The reason you admitted me and took my money was simply because Dickinson's enrollment was down and you wanted to round out your statistics with a well balanced class profile. The emphasis of you admissions decision was on what you felt I would bring to the college, rather than on what your responsibility was to me. You wanted to make the diversity data to look good and vicariously expose the spoiled rich kids to the experience of the working class by having a few in the student body. You liked having someone in the classroom who had real world experience and could talk about how American foreign policy actually played out on the ground because he was there. You placed value and emphasis on giving the rich kids exposure to a working class person who went to school using the GI Bill because as Zwemer once told my classmates and me, part of their learning experience is to learn how to interact with people like me because when they graduate there will be many more. In his mind, my presence was to be for the benefit of the rich kids. I was tolerated but never welcome. Yet, you took my money that I was paying you to get me the job I wanted. I was not paying for, what you deemed as the privilege to be around the rich kids and self proclaimed esteemed faculty like yourselves. You gave no thought to what I was going to get out of the education and every time I tried to point out to Stuart what I wanted and what I saw as the obvious flaw of disorganization in the liberal arts education, he just brushed me off. He did so with an incessant, he knows best attitude but never stopped to ask himself if he actually knows anything at all. I wanted job and prosperity but all you sold me was a useless certificate.
Since the moment of the purchase, I have neither encountered any individuals or institutions that have offered me a job because I graduated from Dickinson and the only jobs that have ever been available to me are the very same jobs that I could have had without a Dickinson degree. This renders the degree both useless and of no true tangible or realizable value. It is by no means an investment and its projected benefit in life that was and continues to be advertised by Dickinson College constitutes false advertising. Therefore, you owe me for the full cost of my education at Dickinson, including the opportunity cost and all costs must be brought forward to present value. You must remove my degree from my transcript, annotating that the degree was renounced upon my instruction and you must provide me with the additional replacement funding necessary to retrain into a job producing real labor skill that is of tangible and attainable practical value. You must also compensate me for the fact that employers do not hire liberal arts graduates for technical jobs. Instead, they hire people with either two year tech degrees or no higher education at all before they hire liberal arts majors. My Dickinson degree is a handicap, not an asset. Unlike Scadato suggested, I cannot leave out of my resume the fact that I attended college for those years because it would leave that time unaccounted for. If sever years are unaccounted for, people assume you must have been in prison, on the lamb or deserted from military service.
Sean M. Donahue
Alumnus Dickinson College, BA 1997
(Phi Beta Kappa, Magna Cum Laude)
Columbia University
MIA, SIPA 2001
MA Statistics 2005
Mandarin Chinese, Middlebury College Levels 3,4,5
Mandarin Chinese Indiana-U, CET Level 1
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