Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Google translate to Access Blocked Websites

Google gives a powerful tool google translate to gain access for blocked websites.I found this was working only for the websites which do not require login and authorisation.I found it when I was searching for some tool to open cricinfo.com at my workplace.Google gave this wonderful tool to access blocked websites but without pictures.
there are several ways to gain access for blocked websites,but they worked partially for me.
1.using IP address: Instead of typing the domain name,just type the IP address of the website.to find the IP address there is a tool like this and a way from your run command.Open..start-->run-->type"//ping www.myurlhere.com" without quotations and hit enter.you will be provided with an IP address there,copy and paste it in the address bar.
2.using Google cache:you can find this in results of google search engine.
3.rest is using proxy servers s all of you know like proxify,block stop and many more like this....Goolge is there for you human.

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